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Category: Snell Isle Alerts
Published: Monday, 23 May 2022 19:33
Over 100 people attended the last Snell Isle Property Owners Association (SIPOA) meeting on May 17th. Elizabeth Abernethy from the City's' Development Review Commission (DRC) and Derek Kilborn from the City's Urban Planning and Historic Preservation Division presented the St. Pete 2050 plan. There were many questions from the meeting attendees relative to the impact Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) could have on Snell Isle. ADUs are incremental living spaces (attached or unattached) to a primary dwelling. No additional parking requirements are mandated along with the extra living spaces proposed in the plan.
To date, Snell Isle has not been zoned for ADUs as they have not been approved for Coastal High Hazard Areas (CHHA), of which Snell Isle is a part of. ADUs are being proposed for CHHAs in an effort to create more affordable house for St. Pete. With 1,000 people a day moving to Florida, the next 30 years are projected to bring 90,000 more people to St. Pete.
There was concern about additional building in a CHHA given it could increase the impervious surface ratio (more concrete, less water absorbtion) and could exacerbate the water run-off issues Snell Isle faces during heavy rains and storms.
We have the opportunity to weigh in on the proposed 2050 plan as it is headed to City Council on June 9th for a first reading, then again on July 14th for final review and approval. You can count on representatives from your Snell Isle Board to be present and voicing concerns about the plan. We welcome all neighbors to attend. Not only is it fascinating to see how our city goverment works, but a full gallery of people will have an impact at the meeting.
Now would be the time to write to our Mayor and City Council members, as well as weigh in with Liz Abernethy and Derek Kilborn as they are the authors of the plan.
For your consideration, following are a few points of concern that have been voiced by Snell Isle residents:
maintaining the character and desirability of our neighborhood
infrastructure impact of additional residents
the additional flooding component
pattern and compatibility of our neighborhood
rentals vs ownership
reduction of permeable surface
For ease of reference, see email addresses for the city council and mayor:
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Please consider blind copying Bonnie Hargrett (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you decide to send an email. She will print those out and use them to show neighborhood support when she speaks at the City Council meetings.
For all interested in reading the 2050 plan, you can go to www.stpete2050.com or see the link below for a version on sharepoint.