Snell Isle Alerts

District 2 Community Service Unit Info

Today, one of our members had occasion today to sit down with our new Lead Officer for our District 2 Community Service Unit, Sergeant Jason Deary. We are very fortunate to have him lead our group of Community Service Officers (CSO's) that includes Donald Herring (who mainly handles Snell & Venetian), Corey Crawford, Josh Jordan and Courtney Parker. They work interchangeably throughout our District 2 but they need our eyes and ears to help them do their job and help keep us safe!

The biggest problem we have is the fact that what we have all worked hard to earn - both in our homes, cars and other possessions - those who DON’T want to work, prefer to invade our space to take what we make easily available. The things we all need to do routinely are:

  • Always keep both your cars and your home LOCKED.
  • Don’t leave valuables in your car or, if you must, LOCK them in your trunk.
  • Keep your garage door CLOSED.
  • Report street lights that are not functioning properly.
  • Especially note bicycle riders, especially youthful ones, who ride 2-3 in a “pack” that look out of place in our ‘hood. Consider they are “casing” the area, looking for opportunities.
  • Use caution when hiring people purported to do handy work. This can be a rouse to “bait & switch” where you think only one person has arrived but, when they take you to your back yard to show you something, their cohorts (that you didn’t even know were along for the job) move quickly into your house stealing from you.
  • If you have a lead foot, expect to receive a speeding ticket. Observe the speed limits - nothing is worth the accident you might cause by speeding or not paying attention!

When you let your guard down - even for a moment - you open yourself to the opportunity of becoming a victim. If you SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING! The Police appreciate the opportunity to serve but they need our help. Better safe than sorry. Please help do your part so all of us can enjoy the fruits of our labor! And please watch out for those who are vulnerable among us.

Stay Safe.

Oktoberfest and Halloween Howl - Oct. 26 at 6PM

Save the date – Thursday, October 26 at 6PM. Join us for yummy food and lots of fun. You can look forward to a real treat this year and we don’t want you to miss it. St. Petersburg Woman’s Club, 40 Snell Isle Blvd NE.

Sat Morning Market Opens and Coyotes Return

Saturday Morning Market

Beginning Saturday, October 7, St Petersburg’s Saturday Morning Market will be reopening for its 15th season on the beautiful waterfront of downtown St Petersburg. With about 10,000 customers a week, and 170 vendors rotating through 130 spaces, the market is the largest farmers market in the southeast US, and one of the most successful in the US. The Market is held weekly on Saturdays from October through May, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is located at the Al Lang Field parking lot, which is located on the corner of 1st Ave S and 1st Street.

Coyotes have returned

Whether you live on or near the Vinoy Golf Course or the Masonic Home, be aware that several neighbors have noted recent sightings of these creatures. Please, please make certain your pets are safe and, above all else…do NOT leave food outside. If these animals find no food source, they will move on but if just one family leaves food out, it invites the coyotes to hang around. If you are walking and you see a coyote, make loud noises, blow a whistle, throw rocks, clang pots together, spray them with your garden hose - anything to be make them know they are not welcome. Make yourself appear large by flailing your arms above you and do NOT turn and run away which will only give them reason to give chase. In the past, a number of neighbors on the golf course raised money to hire a trapper which did absolutely nothing to reduce their population. So we must learn to live with them among us but make sure you inform your family of what to do with them around. Here’s a link for you to share with all members of your family…

Thanks for watching out for one another!

Hurricane Irma Mandatory Evacuation

As you know, Pinellas County pulled the trigger on evacuations in Pinellas in all areas close to the water (Level A) - the beaches, Snell Isle, Venetian Isles, all low-lying areas, etc. The County didn’t inform the City before they alerted Pinellas residents of the impending mandatory evacuation. Nevertheless, starting 6AM Friday, all mobile home residents and special needs folks are being asked to leave and go to a safe place or a shelter. Shelters open at noon on Friday. For our area, the schools they are opening as shelters are John Hopkins Middle School (special needs) or Gibbs High School.

Regarding the mandatory evacuations, we have been told that enforcement (meaning if you leave Snell Isle you will not be allowed to return to your home) will LIKELY not start happening until 8AM Sunday morning. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD WAIT TO LEAVE UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE - only that you need to get all your important papers and “things” and plan on where you are going NOW before the effects of the storm are upon us.

Of course, this storm, unlike any other that ANY of us have ever seen, is tracking with changes every 6 hours and those updates are at 5 & 11, both AM & PM, every day. The weather forecasters on our local Fox 13 affiliate at 11PM Thursday said that as long as the eye of the storm tracks EAST of Tampa Bay, it will cause very strong winds and rain for us but shouldn’t create extreme high waters. If this track stays east of us, we will fare far better than if it tracks into the Gulf of Mexico and the eye of the storm is WEST of us. Still we must prepare for the worst so please do not delay making all your final preparations, both securing on your property anything that is loose and could become a projectile. Also boats needs to be safely secured far more so than usual. Again, we will have strong winds and rain as it passes us on Sunday. Expect street flooding and remember that could be salt water you are driving through so avoid driving at all if you can. Certainly if you must, drive slowly and don’t make waves that could flood someone’s home!

Please make your plans NOW so you are ready with what is about to happen to all of us in Florida! Stay safe, use good judgement, drive defensively and please take care of one another.

Hurricane Preparations

Prepare now in case Hurricane Irma hits Florida this weekend.

Make certain your home is prepared and that you have a plan for you, your loved ones and your pets. Have food and water on hand for at least 3 days possibly without electricity. Have prescription medications. Keep your pets close. Have your contact people set up.

We are in evacuation Zone A. Have a place to go if required to leave Snell Isle. If you need evacuation assistance, be certain to register early. Do not wait until the storm approaches, it may be too late to help.

Make a list of everyone on your block, contact information, etc. Check on all your neighbors frequently and please help the elderly and those living alone. Working together and helping each other, we can make it through this too. Thanks everyone.

Sandbag Site Info from Info. Specialist Samantha Williams, St. Petersburg Police Department

We urge residents to prepare for the possibility that Hurricane Irma will impact the Bay Area. We want to give everyone plenty of time to prepare and will open the following sandbag sites to residents. They will open Wednesday at 7:30 a.m.

The sandbag sites are:

  • Northeast Park - 875 62nd Avenue NE (Cardinal drive entrance to Mangrove Bay Golf Course)
  • Bartlett Park - 2000 7th St S (off 22nd Avenue South between 6th and 7th Street South)
  • Northwest Pool Parking Lot - 2331 60th Street North

Below are some simple rules for surviving the storm . . . it’s everyone’s responsibility.

    • Prepare ahead.
    • Special needs.
    • Pet preparations.
    • Shelter options.
    • Host homes.

    Check the Pinellas County website for more detailed information at

    Also check the NOAA website at

    Please stay safe, do your best to secure your possessions but, most importantly, heed the advice of the professionals and if they tell us to evacuate, please follow their instructions. Nothing is more important than your safety and security!

Garbage Collection holiday change

Because of the Monday Labor Day holiday, normal garbage collection (black can) for all of Snell Isle will take place on WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY this week only.

Beware of Home Solicitation Sales

Public Information, Pinellas County Government AGENCY

Beware of home solicitation sales

Pinellas County is warning residents about engaging in home solicitation sales as the office of Consumer Protection has received an increased number of complaints resulting from these type of sales. It is most frequently reported that the product or service sold was not delivered or that the work was of poor quality.

Door-to-door solicitation has become a more frequent occurrence among salespeople and scammers alike, offering everything from home repair services and alarm systems to the sale of meat.

“These types of sales can cause financial harm to consumers and could result in identity theft,” said Pinellas County Consumer Protection Operations Manager Doug Templeton. “A home solicitation sale does not give the buyer time to research the product or company, therefore consumers are not aware of who they are conducting business with. This poses safety concerns, as well as possible damage to the home in cases of home repair services.”

Pursuant to Chapter 501.021 of the Florida Statutes, individuals who engage in (or who supervise minors engaged in) certain door-to-door solicitation activities that sell, lease or rent consumer goods or services with a purchase price in excess of $25 are required to obtain a home solicitation permit issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Conducting home solicitation sales without the required permit can result in criminal penalties. A home solicitation occurs at a place other than the sellers fixed location, such as your home and must be unsolicited.

  • In order to obtain a permit, individuals must pay a fee and pass a criminal background check.
  • All home solicitation sellers must provide the buyer with a written contract.
  • The contract must include the buyer’s signature, date and buyer’s right to cancel clause.
  • Home solicitation laws allow buyers a three-day right to cancel from the date the contract is signed.

Please call Pinellas County Consumer Protection at (727) 464-6200 if you suspect a violation of home solicitation sales.

Pinellas County Consumer Protection provides assistance in the resolution of consumer-business disputes, investigates allegations of criminal violations, educates and informs consumer and business communities regarding existing consumer protection laws and regulates high-prescribing health clinics, bingo, and adult use ordinances. For more information, visit:

The very best advice is to NOT OPEN YOUR DOOR TO STRANGERS. Instead, consider talking through your door enabling the caller to know that there IS someone home but that you are not interested in their product or service.

ADDITIONAL REMINDERS - Lock it or Lose it :

And just a reminder to always keep those doors, windows and cars locked up with no valuables in sight. You don’t even have to walk outside to ensure your car doors are locked, simply stand inside your house at your front window or door and use your cars FOB (clicker) to make certain your car doors are locked. Please never leave keys in your car or any other valuables. We are certain our neighborhoods are being cased each night, with thugs attempting to open unlocked doors. At the very least, your unlocked car will be rifled through in an attempt to find valuables or valet keys but expect to feel violated and have your planned day RUINED with police reports, insurance claims, etc. And don’t think for one minute that your insurance rates won’t be adjusted upwards… The safe answer…LOCK UP and avoid the theft/hassle! And please watch out for one another - especially our elderly neighbors who certainly appreciate a little helping hand.

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About Snell Isle

image Snell Isle is home to the historic The Vinoy® Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort & Golf Club, one of the Nation's premier golf courses.
image Our tropical surroundings provide waterfront vistas for most residents. Over 80% of the homes on Snell Isle enjoy waterfront views.
image In 1920, local developer C. Perry Snell began construction on what was originally, a muddy mangrove island.

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